For those who use suction cup supports such as Ergoplay, Gitano or Guitarlift, the good news is that these types of products will adhere to a French polished guitar.
Stuart Christie notes: “Suction cups work with French polished guitars, but the hold is improved and the finish is protected if golpeador type self-adhesive film is applied under the cups. The least successful suction cups on this finish are the Gitano type, where the suction cup is in tension rather than compression. These are more likely to release on French polish. The Ergoplay and the Guitarlift work fine.”
It’s worth noting though, that suction cups can occasionally affect the finish. Steve Toon comments that he has “found that sometimes suction cups cause marks”.
When asked if suction cups are safe to use on French polished guitars, Ryan Gibson replies “Yes, in general suction cups aren’t a problem. There can be signs of use but the finish isn’t affected.”
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