Stuart Christie Guitars
About Stuart Christie
Stuart Christie is a traditionally minded classical guitar luthier, inspired by history’s greatest makers including Jose Romanillos, Hermann Hauser and of course, Antonio de Torres Jurado. Stuart Christie decided to turn professional in 2013, having built guitars in his spare time since becoming hooked on guitar building in the 1990s. His decades long obsession with has seen him consult with modern day master luthiers such as Stephen Hill, Pablo Requena and Peter Barton in a bid to hone his skills and perfect the craft of guitar building.
Stuart is a proponent of traditional methods. He builds everything from scratch using hand tools, including all design elements. He also uses traditional hot hide glue, favouring it for it’s proven longevity and acoustic properties. His resolve to build in the traditional way produces instruments that have a familiar voice to anyone who has ever treasured the sound of the classical guitar. The character of each model, whether it be a Romanillos, Torres design or otherwise, is easily distinguishable from each other. The result is a faithful reproduction of a historically superb instrument, finely tuned to Stuart’s own taste and guided by his expertise.