Performance Class

What is a Performance Class?

Performing in public can be daunting, especially if you haven’t had much experience. These performance classes are a great way to gain a bit of performance experience and get some extra feedback on your playing. This is ideal if you plan to perform in concerts, competitions or sit a practical guitar exam.

Our performance classes help to bridge the gap between the practice room and the stage. Participants get chance to play to a handful of other guitarists in the comfort of the CGA studio. Constructive feedback is provided along with a recording and written notes.

Every participant will receive:

  • A performance slot of approximately 10 minutes
  • Feedback on their playing from a professional musician
  • Additional feedback from other participants
  • Written critique of their performance, including suggestions for improvements.
  • Recording of their performance

If you’d like to take part, it’s important that you book your place in advance. To book online, simply use the booking tool on this page.

Next Performance Class

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