Performance Classes 2018
The performance classes were a huge hit when we ran them back in October/November 2017, therefore I’d like to get a few more dates organised for 2018. So, get your diaries out! The dates of the performance classes in 2018 are…
- Monday 16th April 2018
- Monday 11th June 2018
- Monday 12th November 2018
There may well be a few more, but I just wanted to get these in the diaries first so those who want to take part can prepare some pieces.
What happens at a performance class?
Each performer will be invited to play their piece in front of a small audience (no more than 10 people). We have a brief discussion about how you feel you performed, you’ll get a bit of feedback from the other guitarists in the audience and I will give you some feedback of my own.
How much does it cost to take part?
The performance classes are free for all current members of the CGA. Non-members can also take part for a fee of £10.
How do I sign up?
If you’re a current member of the CGA, simply ask me about an upcoming performance class at your next lesson. If you’re not a member of the CGA but would be interested in performing, simply get in touch via email and I’ll sign you up for the class. You can pay the £10 participation fee on the night.
Is it possible to just watch, rather than perform?
Yes, however, because we’re short on space in the studio, priority is given to those who would like to play. If we have any remaining spaces for the class in the days leading up to the date, these will be opened up to those who just want to watch. You can register your interest at your lesson or via email (non-CGA members).
To take part, what do I need to prepare?
All you need to do is prepare a short piece between approx. 2-6 mins (longer duration requires approval). You’ll need your guitar on the day, plus any guitar support you normally use. A chair, footstool and music stand will be available for anyone to use.